Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1. What are some traits that you believe are necessary in a graphic designer?
2. Does type ever play a role in your designs? Why?
3. What importance do you place on type in designs? Or do you believe it changes based on what you are designing?
4. When working on posters, do you ever come up with your own hand drawn font design, or do you stick to already existing fonts?
5. What importance would you place on photos in your designs? Why?
6. In some of your designs, are pictures ever the determining factor in how you make a design work?
7. Have you ever had to work with a design where only bad photos were available? If so, how did you deal with it? If not, how would you deal with it?
8. White space is pretty key in making almost everything graphical. Have you ever had to completely remake a design because some parts of your design just didn't fit?
9. What importance do you place on white space?
10. How do white space and typography work together on your posters? (How do you make typography work with all of the elements present on the poster?)
11. Does color play an important role in your designs?
12. Do you ever use color for its meaning (red for valentine's) or do you simply use it for being a nice color?
13. How important is color in your designs and why?
14. Have you ever had to make or work with a color palette? If so, how was the experience?
15. How many different graphic styles have you worked with? (Such as Minimalism)
16. Do you believe that a cleaner, emptier look is better for designs or should you have a nice amount of content?
17. What design style do you tend to stick with? Or do you mix it up/not stay constant?
18. When you look at [iPoly's 2013] yearbook, what are some graphical issues you see?
19. How would you have dealt with these issues?
20. Other than Typography, photos, white space and color theory, what are some other important elements in your designs?

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