Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog 19: Independent Component 2

a. I, Nathan Mira, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b. Ron Martinez, my mentor, helped me with my independent component.
c. Done.
d. I chose 5 color palettes and made different graphical pieces using those schemes. They aren't terrible complex because of time constraints, but they aren't absolutely terrible. Except those chips. Man those things are ugly.

I defend my work with the fact that it took a long time to do all that stuff and I did not fake any of it and the fact that I have pictures of the completed products with their layers here (below) and the actual files on my laptop. Sadly, this time I do not have any 'in progress' photos as I did with my first independent component.

Here are the five pieces with their color palettes either to the right or below the item.
Lava Lamp (1)
Cloak (2)
Xbox 360 Remote (3)
Sad Chips (4)
Patatap (5)
My component helped me answer my EQ because it gave me examples as to how color palette can affect a final product. Originally, some of these post cards had different color palettes, but after cycling through so many , I stuck with the ones I got because they worked the best. Imagine Chill Waters chips (gross, I know) with a red color scheme. It wouldn't work. With things like that to look at while working on this independent component, I got a better understanding of color theory, my second answer to my EQ, but sadly not the most important answer.

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